Saturnalia Festival and connection with Christmas.

What is Samhain Festival? What are its connections with Halloween Festival?

What is Samhain Festival? What are its connections with Halloween Festival?

Detailed Research and Report with Reply to the Booklet, WHO WAS JESUS by United Church of God

Detailed Research and Report with Reply to the Booklet, WHO WAS JESUS by United Church of God - An International Association

Who Was Jesus?
Posted on Feb 17, 2011 by United Church of God Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

Who is Sol Invicus?

Sol Invicus

Why is the word Church wrongly translated for Greek word Ekklessia which is called out ones? (Acts 19:32)

Why is the word Church wrongly translated for Greek word Ekklessia which is called out ones?

Why the Pronoun ‘He’ is used when Holy Spirit is referred to in the Holy Scriptures? (John 14:16-17)

Why the Pronoun ‘He’ is used when Holy Spirit is referred to in the Holy Scriptures? (John 14:16-17)

Trinity Proof Text. John and the Beginning. (John 1:1)

Were the Creative Days in Genesis of 24 hours or 1000 years each? (Genesis 1)

Were the Creative Days in Genesis of 24 hours or 1000 years each? (Genesis 1)

What happened on each of the 6 days of Creation in the Genesis account in the Bible? (Genesis 1)

Genesis Chapter 1 Made Simple (With diagrams)

Sabbath in the New Covenant.

Sabbath in the New Covenant.