Did Yahshua ever teach that he is the Almighty (El Shaddai) Elohim Yahweh?

Just one of Many examples in the TORAH which teach and reveal that Yeshua the Messiah is YHWH ELohim in the Flesh:

Please listen and understand. Yeshua יֵשׁוּע does Not have to say:

"I am ELohim אֱלֹהִים"

in order to teach and reveal

that He IS ELohim אֱלֹהִים in the Flesh.

WOW. What an attitude. Now human beings are going to decide how Elohim Yahweh OR his Son Yahshua is going to communicate via his holy word.

Since everyone knows for a fact, that there is absolutely no direct statement by Yahshua that he is Yahweh, SO YOU ARE FIRST ONLY GOING ON THE DEFENSIVE. Wah re Wah.


Why not RE WRITE the whole Bible only, the way you wanted Yeshua to say WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY.

But the fact is, He really did say that anyway! ( read John 8 and John 10 )

What Confusion. First you admit that Yeshua did not directly say that he is Yahweh. Now, here in the second portion of this written document, it dawns upon you suddenly, OH HE DID SAY SO.

[ Two Times they took up STONES to STONE Him for supposedly doing

BLASPHEMY and claiming that He IS ELohim אֱלֹהִים. ]

But He teaches, reveals and proves that He IS ELohim אֱלֹהִים in the Flesh,

by WHAT He says and WHAT He does!




You shall WALK AFTER  YHWH יְהוָה your ELohim אֱלֹהִים and FEAR Him, and KEEP His Commandments and OBEY His Voice; you shall Serve Him and Cleave to Him. (Deut 13:4)

אַחֲרֵי  יְהוָה  אֱלֹהֵיכֶם  תֵּלֵכוּ  וְאֹתוֹ  תִירָאוּ  וְאֶת  מִצְוֹתָיו  תִּשְׁמֹרוּ וּבְקֹלוֹ  תִשְׁמָעוּ

וְאֹתוֹ  תַעֲבֹדוּ  וּבוֹ  תִדְבָּקוּן

Now let’s compare with what Yeshua יֵשׁוּעַ said:

My SHEEP HEAR ( from Shema  שְׁמַע ; Deut 6:4-9 )
My Voice ( Alef Tav   koh-lee 
קוֹלִי  אֶת ),
and I Know ( yoh-day-ah 
יֹדֵעַ ) them,
and they WALK AFTER  Me. [ YHWH
יְהוָה your ELohim אֱלֹהִים ] (John 10:27)

[8:55 am, 24/10/2022] Vijay G. Vishakapatnam Peda mama: YESHUA the MESSIAH ... IS ... YHWH ELohim in the FLESH

Brother Vijay. In the above text, you are openly and directly claiming that YHWH Elohim is Yeshua in the Flesh.

OH MY GOODNESS. I have just 2 Scriptures that totally expose your FOLLY AND FAULTY UNDERSTANDING.

Numbers 23:19 El is not a man,”

Hosea 11:09 I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am El, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: and I will not enter into the city.”



The FULLNESS of ELohim Dwelt IN Him -- that is precisely why

He is ELohim in the FLesh.

First Verse

For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell,  (Col 1:19)

Second Verse

For in Him dwells all the fullness of Elohim bodily; (Col 2:9)

*bodily - in His Flesh Body


Colossians. 2:9 - "For in him [Yahshua (Jesus)] the whole fulness [Gr. pleroma] of deity [theotes]  dwells[1]  bodily" - RSV.

“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Majesty in person bodily.” – RSB BIBLE (04th Edition)

     The word theotes appears only this once in the entire New Testament [NT] (and never in the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament [OT]).  It has been rendered in various trinitarian translations as follows: "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" - KJV, ASV, NEB, REB, MLB; "deity" - RSV, NASB, NRSV, NIV, NAB, CBW, Mo, By; "divinity" - JB, NJB.  It should be remembered also that "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" as found in the older English Bibles (such as KJV) had a different meaning than it has come to have in modern English.  "In older English ['Almighty Yahweh (God)head'] was a synonym for divinity"[2]   -  p. 221, Vol. 2, A Dictionary of the Bible, Hastings, 1988 printing;  and p. 362, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell and Scott, Oxford University Press, 1994 printing.
     Theotes simply does not literally mean "Almighty Yahweh (God)head," and the use of "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today.[3]     Actually, the heavenly Father, alone, is the closest thing to a literal "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" to be found  anywhere in the inspired Scriptures - see  1 Cor. 11:3.

     Col. 2:9 is also rendered by noted Trinitarian scholars with these translations of theotes: "The full content of divine nature" - TEV and GNB (also see Barclay); "Almighty Yahweh (God)'s whole being" - Beck (NT); "Almighty Yahweh (God)'s nature" - AT; "Yet it is in [Christ] that Almighty Yahweh (God) gives a full and complete expression of himself (within the physical limits that he set himself in Christ)." - Phillips; "In him resides all the fulfillment of the divine" - Lattimore.

     The Trinitarian argument that Col. 2:9 proves that Yahshua (Jesus) is Almighty Yahweh (God) overlooks the common understanding of "fulness of ..." and "filled with ..." by those who used those common phrases in New Testament times.  For example, the person who became "filled with Holy Spirit" (Eph. 5:18) was greatly influenced by that spirit, but he certainly did not become the Holy Spirit.

     And having "the fulness" of someone or something could similarly mean being greatly influenced by that person or thing.  The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology says:
"Just as a person can be full of pain, joy, love, and virtue, he can also be said to be filled with Almighty Yahweh (God) ..., i.e. possessed and inspired by Almighty Yahweh (God)." - Vol. 1, p. 734.[4]  
     Surely we wouldn't expect anyone who is "filled with" Almighty Yahweh (God) or who receives the "fullness of" Almighty Yahweh (God) to actually be Almighty Yahweh (God)!  Nor would we expect anyone who has the "fullness of" Christ to actually be Christ!   In fact it clearly shows that he is NOT the person with whom he is "filled"!
     So, when we read Eph. 1:22, 23 - "the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all" - we do not think that all real Christians are actually Christ.  The New Oxford Annotated Bible (1977) tells us in a footnote for this scripture:
"the Church, as the fullness of Christ, is the complement of his mystic [figurative] person;  he is the head, the Church is his body."

     The noted Trinitarian NT Greek scholar, W. E. Vine, explains:

"Fill, Fill Up": "... (a) of the members of the Church, the Body of Christ, as filled by Him", Eph. 1:23 (`all things in all the members'); ... in 3:19, of their being filled ... `with' all the fulness of Almighty Yahweh (God); of their being 'made full' in Him, Col. 2:10." - p. 426, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

     Yes, at Eph. 3:19 we actually see Paul expressing the thought "that you [Ephesian Christians] may be filled with all the fullness of Almighty Yahweh (God)" - RSV.  And at Eph. 4:13 we find - "until we all attain ... to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" - RSV
     Even the Trinitarian reference work, the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, commenting about the word "fullness" at Col. 2:9 ("In his [Yahshua (Jesus)'] body lives the fullness of divinity" - JB), tells us:

"this fullness which is described in Col. 1:15-18 is entirely related to Christ's cross (v. 20), death (v. 22), and resurrection (v. 18).  For this reason believers also have this fullness in him (2:10)." - Vol. 1, p. 740, Zondervan, 1986. - See AT, CBW, NAB (especially 1991 ed.).

  "Outside the NT the word occurs in Ignatius in a sense which is clearly influenced by the NT, and apparently in the meaning of the Divine fullness, as going forth and blessing and residing ["dwelling"] in the Church [the congregation]" - p. 1, Vol. 4, A Dictionary of the Bible, James Hastings, ed., Hendrickson Publ., 1988.

     For exactly the same reasons that we don't allow such figurative language to persuade us that all true Christians actually are (or may become) Almighty Yahweh (God) or Christ, we should not let it persuade us that Christ is actually Almighty Yahweh (God)!

     The Bible tells us how essential to eternal life it is to know Almighty Yahweh (God) and Yahshua (Jesus) (John 17:3 and 2 Thess. 1:8, 9).  Therefore, if one "knows" Yahshua (Jesus) as Almighty Yahweh (God) and "knows" Almighty Yahweh (God) as three (or two) persons and such "knowledge" turns out to be false, then he is certainly not on the road to eternal life!
     And as we saw above, if Christians can be "filled with" Almighty Yahweh (God)  and receive the "fullness of" Almighty Yahweh (God),  we know by this very wording that they are not Almighty Yahweh (God)!   And we know that those Christians who had the "fullness of" Christ  could not actually be Christ!   The very wording itself shows that someone else is "filling" (or influencing) the person who is being "filled" (influenced).  In fact it clearly shows that he CANNOT be the person (or thing) with whom he is "filled"!
     Therefore, those Christians who are "filled with"  or have the "fullness" of Almighty Yahweh (God) are not Almighty Yahweh (God)!  Those Christians who are "filled with" or have the "fullness" of Christ are not Christ!   Those men and women who are "filled with" or have the "fullness" of  the Holy Spirit are not the Holy Spirit!!   And even if we interpret Col. 2:9 as meaning that Christ has the fullness of "Almighty Yahweh (God) hood" in him, it still cannot mean Christ is Almighty Yahweh (God)!!

1.          What about things and persons "dwelling" in us?  Does this mean we are those things or persons?  Of course not!  Compare "dwell" at Romans. 7:20 (sin `dwells' in people); 8:9, 11 (holy spirit `dwells' in us); 1 Corinthians. 3:16 (holy spirit "dwelling" in Christians); Ephesians. 3:17 (Christ "dwells" in our hearts);  2 Tim. 1:5 (faith "dwelt" in her);  2 Peter. 3:13 (righteousness "dwells").  Actually, the word "dwell" shows we cannot be those things or persons who "dwell" in us!  

 It  is similar to the term "image of ...."  If someone is the image of something or someone else, then he cannot be that person or thing.  For example, men being the image of Almighty Yahweh (God) (Genesis. 1:26; 1 Corinthians. 11:7; 2 Corinthians. 3:18) proves, in itself, that none of them actually is Almighty Yahweh (God)!  No one and no thing actually are their own images!  Therefore, when scripture tells us that the resurrected, heaven-dwelling Yahshua (Jesus) Christ is "the image of Almighty Yahweh (God)," it is certain that he is not Almighty Yahweh (God)! -  2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:15.  [Also "reflection" or "refulgence" in Heb. 1:3, RSV, NRSV, NJB, AT, MLB, GNB, CBW, NAB (`70), NAB (`91).]

2.         "Divinity" is a word with various meanings and levels of meanings: "divinity ...  1. a being divine  2. a Almighty Yahweh (God)  3. theology - the Divinity: Almighty Yahweh (God)."  - Webster's New World Dictionary, 1973.

3          "Godhead" has various meanings in modern English besides that of "the nature of God esp. when regarded as triune".   In Webster's 3rd  New International Dictionary (Unabridged) the #1 definition is "1: the quality or state of being divine" - 1962 ed.  And the derivation of the word "godhead" shows that it originally meant "godhood" not "godhead":  "fr[om] god + -hed, -hede - hood (akin to ME -hod, -had - hood)" - Webster's 3rd  New Int.

4.          Even in modern English idiom we say things like: "He is full of the Devil."  But we don't intend to say he literally is the Devil or even equal to the Devil in the fullest sense.  We merely mean that he may, in some respects, show certain "devil-like" or "devil-influenced" qualities!  (Cf. Jn 6:70 and Mark 8:33 footnotes in NIVSB.)

 Does Colossians. 2:9 prove that Yahshua (Jesus) is Almighty God (Yahweh)?

Col. 2:9 - "For in him [Jesus] the whole fulness [Gr. pleroma] of deity [theotes] dwells bodily" - RSV

The word theotes appears only this once in the entire New Testament [NT] (and never in the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament [OT]). It has been rendered in various Trinitarian translations as follows: "Godhead" - KJV, ASV, NEB, REB, MLB; "deity" - RSV, NASB, NRSV, NIV, NAB, CBW, Mo, By; "divinity" - JB, NJB.

It should be remembered also that "Godhead" as found in the older English Bibles (such as KJV) HAD A DIFFERENT MEANING THAN IT HAS COME TO HAVE IN MODERN ENGLISH. "In older English ['Godhead'] was a synonym for divinity" - p. 221, Vol. 2, A Dictionary of the Bible, Hastings, 1988 printing; and p. 362, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell and Scott, Oxford University Press, 1994 printing.

Theotes simply does not literally mean "godhead," and the use of "godhead" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today.

 Actually, the heavenly Father, alone, is the closest thing to a literal "Godhead" to be found anywhere in the inspired Scriptures. (See 1 Cor. 11:3)

The Trinitarian argument that Col. 2:9 proves that Jesus is God overlooks the common understanding of "fulness of ..." and "filled with ..." by those who used those common phrases in New Testament times. For example, the person who became "filled with Holy Spirit" (Eph. 5:18) was greatly influenced by that spirit, but he certainly did not become the Holy Spirit.

And having "the fullness" of someone or something could similarly mean being greatly influenced by that person or thing. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology says:

"Just as a person can be full of pain, joy, love, and virtue, he can also be said to be filled with God ..., i.e. possessed and inspired by God." - Vol. 1, p. 734.[4]

Surely we wouldn't expect anyone who is "filled with" God or who receives the "fullness of" God to actually be God! Nor would we expect anyone who has the "fullness of" Christ to actually be Christ! In fact it clearly shows that he is NOT the person with whom he is "filled".



The BODY of FLESH was from Miriam. INSIDE that BODY was YHWH Elohim our Creator. That just blows me away ... that our Creator would die on the Tree for me / us.

Brother Vijay. What are you saying? What are you talking? What statement have you made above? I have to plainly ask you. Are you gone crazy in thinking and telling me that THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR DIED FOR YOU ON THE TREE.

How can the Almighty Creator DIE?

The Almighty El Shaddai Yahweh is ETERNAL AND EVERLASTING. The Creator of the Torah cannot ever DIE. Saying this is even something WORSE THAN BLASPHEMY.

“I give thee charge in the sight of Elohim, who quickeneth all things, and before Messiah Yahshua, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession;” – 1 Timothy 6:13          

Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.” – 1 Timothy 6:16


Isaiah 42:8, 43:11-13, 44:6-8,  44:24, 45:5, 12-14, 18, 21&22, 46:5-10,  Jeremiah 27:5,  Deuteronomy 32:39, Job 9:8, Psalms 18:31, 102:25, Proverbs 3:19 , 1 John 1:1-2 


In all of these scriptures Yahweh never used the word “WE ".  He always used the singular lettered word “I “(singular .1st personal pronoun).

Very humbly ... takes away my breath and more ...
