Pastors Training Course (2 Scripture Only)

2 Timothy 3:16, 17

"All scripture is given by inspiration of Yahweh, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of Elohim may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

Restoration Study Bible, KJV, 04th Edition.

This Study Article is specially dedicated to all the Pastors, Preachers, Teachers, Elders, in Sabbath Keeping Assemblies all over India. 

Using the above 2 Scriptures we will be also utilizing the entire Chapter of 2 Timothy 3 to find the Context, Pretext and Background of these 2 Scriptures that ends the chapter of 2 Timothy 3

"All scripture is given by inspiration of Yahweh,"

Paul affirmed with elegant finality that “all Scripture is breathed out by Elohim (God).” You can hear the meaning of the transliteration of the Greek word Theopneustos (“God-breathed”—Theo means “God” and “pneustos” means breath). More literally, “All Scripture is breathed into by Elohim (God).” When you speak, your word is “you-breathed”—your breath, conditioned by your mind, pours forth in speech. You breathe out your words. This belief that Scripture was “breathed into by Elohim (God)” perfectly expresses the view of the first-century Jews about the Old Testament writings.

"and is profitable for doctrine,"

  • T.D. Jakes says that God eternally exists in three manifestations, not three persons.
  •  Greg Boyd says God knows some aspects of the future, but that other future events are outside of his knowledge. 
  • Creflo Dollar says because we are created in the image of God, we are little gods.
  •  Mormonism says God revealed new scripture to Joseph Smith that supersedes the Bible. 
  • Roman Catholicism says we are justified by faith, but not by faith alone. 
"This world is a murky madness of true and false. For every doctrine we know to be true, there seems to be a hundred pretenders."

What is Doctrine?

The word translated “doctrine” means “instruction, especially as it applies to lifestyle application.” In other words, doctrine is teaching imparted by an authoritative source. In the Bible, the word always refers to spiritually related fields of study. The Bible says of itself that it is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). We are to be careful about what we believe and present as truth. First Timothy 4:16 says, “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

No wonder, then, that John tells us to “test the spirits” and Paul says, “test everything” (1 John 4:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:21). It is our sacred responsibility to examine every doctrine to determine if it is true or false. But how can we distinguish sound doctrine from false? How can we distinguish teachers of truth from teachers of error?

To know more about Doctrines and Beliefs of AISKA Association please see

Putting a doctrine to the test is the best way to determine if it is true or false. As we test the doctrine, we learn our responsibility toward it: We either hold to it or we reject it. 


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for reproof,

Reproof - Apostolic Church, Dictionary - James Hastings

The subject of reproof, i.e. the refutation of error, the discovery of sin, the convincing and convicting of the wrongdcer (ἐλεγμός, ἔλεγχος, ἐλέγχω: Septuagint for. תּוֹבַחָה, תּוֹבַחַת, הוֹבִיחַ), is mentioned frequently in the Bible. Reproof is used generally in the sense of rebuke. Rules are laid down for its administration, and advice given as to its reception. It is necessary, beneficial, and not to be despised. The great and constant dangers to be avoided are these-reproving unskilfully, withholding reproof unfaithfully, and resenting reproof administered in love. Christians in general are exhorted to reprove ‘the unfruitful works of darkness’ (; ; cf. -18), and Christian ministers in particular must regard reproof as an important duty of their office (, , ; ; ).

Reproof may be administered (a) by word, in which case there is the underlying idea of severe rebuke and admonition. The offender must be called upon to give an explanation of his conduct and his fault must be made plain to him (, , ; cf. , ); (b) by deed, in a two-fold sense: (i.) by deeds of light being manifested in a way that will be a virtual reproof of deeds of darkness (; cf. -21); (ii.) by chastening or punishment (; cf. ; ; ; , , -19, , , ; ; , ); (c) by the Scriptures (). Behind the censure lies the fundamental idea of the conviction of sin, The verb ἐλέγχω signifies ‘prove, refute, expose, convict.’ It is used with these meanings in classical writers from the time of Euripides. Many scholars hold the opinion that it means rather more than ‘reprove’ and rather less than ‘convince.’ For ‘reprove’ in the sense of ‘bring to the proof’ see Revised Version margin; cf. Revised Version margin. For reproof in relation to sin, see , , ; cf. ; ; ; Aristoph. Plut. 574. For reproof of false teachers, see ; ; .

H. Cariss J. Sidnell.

for correction,

What Does Correction Mean?

Correction can refer to the action or process of correcting. Correcting means to set or make something right. For example, if you have made a spelling mistake in your writing, correcting would mean erasing the word and rewriting the accurate spelling. Correcting someone’s behavior means pointing out what he or she is doing wrong and teaching him or her to do it right. Correction is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as “a change made to something in order to correct or improve it, or the action of making such a change” and by Merriam-Webster dictionary as “the action or an instance of correcting”

However, the term correction, especially when used in reference to behavior, can also refer to a punishment that is intended to rehabilitate or improve someone.

Correction, not punishment, should be encouraged in schools.

The teacher forgot to mark corrections on the answer scripts.

Her elder sister made a few corrections to her homework.

He made all the changes and corrections the teacher recommended and resubmitted his essay.

During this time, prisons were used as means of punishment, not correction.

I made several corrections in his script, but he refused to change the original script.

for instruction in righteousness:

What is the biblical definition of righteousness?
Acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin.

Righteousness is one of the chief attributes of Elohim (God) Yahweh as portrayed in the Hebrew Bible. Its chief meaning concerns ethical conduct (for example, Leviticus 19:36; Deuteronomy 25:1; Psalm 1:6; Proverbs 8:20). In the Book of Job the title character is introduced to us as a person who is perfect in righteousness.

That the man of Elohim may be perfect,

What is meant in the Bible by a man of God or man of Elohim? 

The designation is simple yet incredibly profound. A man of  Elohim (God) is not his own; he is a consecrated person, one who has parted with all his rights to surrender his life wholly for Elohim's (God’s) purposes.

In the Hebrew Bible, “man of God” (ish-Elohim, or ish ha’Elohim) is a title applied to beloved leaders and prophets some 77 times in 71 verses concerning 12 individuals. This includes Moses; the angel of the Lord who appeared to Samson’s mother; Samuel; David; Shemaiah (chief prophet in Judah during the reign of Rehoboam); the man from Judah who cried out against King Jeroboam of Israel and the altar (rabbis identify him as Iddo the Seer); Elijah; the man who prophesied to King Ahab that Israel could defeat the Arameans (1 Kings 20:28; rabbinical commentaries identify him as the prophet Micah); Elisha; Hanan, son of Igdaliah (Jeremiah 35:4), a prophet or holy man having an office in the Temple; and the man who warned Judah’s King Amaziah not to go to war (2 Chronicles 25:7, 9; rabbis identify him as Amoz, father of the prophet Isaiah).

thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

The words “thoroughly furnished” are from the Greek word exartizo, which means to completely deck out or to fully supply. Often used to depict a ship that had refurbished  with new equipment and gear,now this ship became thoroughly furnished to sail the globe. This boat was fully supplied, completely equipped, or thoroughly furnished.

Paul uses this word to tell us that we are not prepared to set sail in life until the Word of Elohim (God) has done its work in our hearts and souls. When we first come to Yeshua (Jesus), we are a dilapidated poorly equipped vessel – just beginners who hardly know enough to get by in life, spiritually. Yes, we’re saved, but we haven’t had enough of the Word placed into us to fully equip us for sailing through all life’s storms.

You can complete this journey that Yahweh has for you. In fact He has already ensured your preparation and success. How do we access the equipping? Through His Word! There are good works Elohim (God) has been dreaming for you (Ephesians 2:10) and His word is the secret to your success! Abide in His Word, let your imagination be filled with thoughts, pondering, musing of the Scriptures!  You are gonna get good at this!

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