Yahweh is NOT Yahshua Videos

Jesus (Yahshua) is NOT Almighty (El Shaddai) Yahweh Videos

DISCLAIMER: To one and all, who view the collection of these Video teachings in this webpage, I do not VOUCH OR GUARANTEE for 100% Accuracy of each and every statement made in this videos by their respective owners. The main teaching content of my interest is that these wide variety of people even outside the Hebrew Messianic Torah Observant Faith are gaining the TRUTH AND WISDOM OF YAHWEH. That our God (El) is ONE and TWO as in false Binatarian and THREE in false Trinitarian teachings. The selection of the below Videos is relevant to the topic that JESUS (YAHSHUA) IS NOT ELSHADDAI (ALMIGHTY) YAHWEH. Many of the videos are non-denominational both all of them adhere to the Scriptural truth that Jesus (Yahshua) is NOT Almighty God Yahweh. 

SAD, SORRY & SHAMEFULL TO STATE, that even in some Hebrew Messianic Torah Observant Sabbath Keeping Believers and Assemblies the false and pagan teaching that Yahweh the Creator Father from Heaven came down in the Human Flesh as his Son Yahshua and died on the Tree for our Sins. 

PROOF texts Jesus is NOT God Almighty.

The Only True Elohim - What Yeshua Taught About His Father

What did Yeshua teach about the Creator?

"One" actually means "One"