Remember the Sabbath day



There are mainly 3 ways to remember the Sabbath Day. 

One is by 1. Believing in the Sabbath commandment. Second is by 2. Keeping the Sabbath day Sacred & Set apart and thirdly by 3. Celebrating the Sabbath. 

1. Sabbath Believers

Sabbath believers are those who are new to the teaching and understanding about the principle of Sabbath and are slowly but surely studying the Torah (Old Testament Bible) and have come to the conclusion that every Saturday should be the Set Apart or the Separate day to be kept aside as Sacred for our Creator Elohim Yahweh. But due to their personal circumstances and private situations or whatever, they are just Sabbath believers. They know that Sabbath must be kept holy every Saturday, but for whatever reasons and excuses, they may not be able to practice their belief in public as Sabbath Keepers. 

2. Sabbath Keepers

Sabbath Keepers are those individuals who have progressed spiritually enough in the teachings of the Torah to be able to commit and keep every Saturday free from any kind of commercial or secular or non spiritual work that will take them away from being physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually away from their Creator Elohim Yahweh. Sabbath Keepers make sure that they do not involve or indulge in any kind of normal and commercial or laborious work that will make them work on Saturday. They keep their weekly off from all types of monetary employment and work on every Saturday. They make sure that Saturday is their weekly public holiday or day off from their normal weekly work. 
At the minimum, Sabbath Keepers may visit the Synagogue for some weekly service or may meet for some physical fellowship at some Torah meeting or at least attend one Torah Teaching Class at some online Zoom Sabbath meeting on the internet. 

If you are a Sabbath Keeper then you would love to know more 100 Facts about the Saturday Sabbath here

3. Sabbath Celebrants 

Sabbath Celebrants are those individuals or families, that have been dedicated and devoted their mind, heart and soul to living a "Torah Observant" life. They will have studied the Torah and its precepts, concepts and principles in great detail. They will have taken MIKVAH or Baptism by immersion in the one and only name of Yahshua ha Messiah. The male believers may be voluntarily convinced & convicted to undergo Circumcision. The brethren who say that they Celebrate the Sabbath are those who are Sabbath believers, then Sabbath Keepers for a long time and now every Saturday is a joyful day of Celebration for them. For such individuals, the entire Sabbath day is full of traditionally kept "Rites", "Rituals" and "Religious Observances".

Below is a select collection of pdf's explaining on how to Believe, or Keep or Celebrate the Saturday Sabbath Day of Yahweh. (We do not endorse or promote one way or another way of Sabbath keeping. We encourage each individual to personally decide how to remember, keep and celebrate the Sabbath day by making the day special for Yahweh and by celebrating it by your own special way) 

Without fail, every Sabbath is a day of Teaching the Torah, Preaching about Yeshua, Praying, Praising YAH, Singing Songs, Feasting, Having wine & bread and last but not the least, Friendly fellowship with other brothers and sisters in the body of Messiah)

To know more Facts about the Saturday Sabbath, please do visit this link: