Independent Business Opportunity for Sabbath Believers and Sabbath Keepers

 Independent Business Opportunity for Sabbath Believers and Sabbath Keepers

Be Self Employed and Keep Sabbath Sacred

Following the Principle of KISS that is Keeping it Short & Simple,  AISKA is offering Sabbath Believers who would love to remember and keep the Saturday Sabbath Set Apart and Sacred to Yahweh and thus by becoming Self Employed and Self Sufficient to be Sincere Sabbath Keepers to our Elohim. 

If interested in trying to become Self Employed in your very own Home State, as an INDEPENDENT TOUR ORGANIZER TO GOA, then first please do have a good look at this website: GET: 

Goa Educational Tours
Goa Educational Tours

Then please do contact us with your Brief BIO-DATA about yourself by writing to 

Our Messiah Yahshua was Self Employed, then why should we not follow his footsteps and example.