Hebrew End Times Prophecies

Old Testament End times Prophecy Chart

Dennis McCallum
Confusion in Last BattleEzekiel 38:21; Zechariah 12:4; 14:13
7 Years or 3.5 YearsDaniel 7:25; 9:27; 12:7
CorpsesIsaiah 34:3; Ezekiel 39:11-20; Joel 2:20
Men Killed By FireIsaiah 13:8,12; 24:6; 33:14; 34:9; 51:6; 65:15,16; Ezekiel 38:22; 39:6; Zechariah 14:12; Malachi 4:1
HailstonesEzekiel 38:22
EarthquakesIsaiah 24:18-20; Ezekiel 38:19,20; Joel 2:10(?); 3:16; Amos 9:5; Zechariah 14:4
Regathering of IsraelEzekiel 37
All Nations Gathered to WarIsaiah 13:4; 66:18; Zechariah 12:1-4; 14:2
Jewish RevivalEzekiel 37:9-14; Zechariah 12:10-14; 13:1-9
Abomination of DesolationDaniel 9:27; 12:11
Second AdventEzekiel 39:21; Daniel 2:44; 7:13,14; Zechariah 14:4; Malachi 2:1-3
The Beast, or AntichristIsaiah 14:12-15; Daniel 7:8, 24; 8:19, 26; 9:26, 27; 11:36ff; Zechariah 11:15-17
10 NationsDaniel 2:42,44; 7:24
Kings of EastDaniel 11:44
Kings of SouthEzekiel 38:5; Daniel 11:40
Kings of NorthEzekiel 38:15ff; 39:2; Daniel 11:40; Joel 2:20
Signs in SkyIsaiah 13:10; 24:23; Joel 2:10,30; 3:15; Zechariah 14:6,7
Remnant SavedJoel 2:12, 17; 3:32; Amos 9:8; Zechariah 13:8,9; 14:2,5