Messiah Yeshua IS YHWH ELohim in the Flesh

<< Messiah Yeshua IS YHWH ELohim in the Flesh >>

Is Jesus Almighty God?
Is Jesus (Yeshua) the Almighty God Yahweh?

Several people have asked me the same question in the past few days. So I am posting some information about this for the benefit of all. Is Yeshua the Messiah YHWH ELohim in the Flesh?



1.) <<< What is in a NAME? >>>

ISAIAH ( YeshaYahu יְשַׁעְיָהוּ )

Hebrew Letters: Yud י - Shin שׁ - Aiyin ע - Yud י - Hey ה - Vav וּ

= Yah ( YHWH ) Saves

If we re-arrange the Letters, we can form:

Yud י - Hey ה  +  Yud י - Shin שׁ - Vav וּ - Aiyin ע

= Yah יָהּ   +  Yeshua יֵשׁוּעַ

What does that teach us?

1.) Yeshua is the Messiah and one of His Hebrew names is indeed Yeshua יֵשׁוּעַ

2.) Yeshua is the Messiah is YHWH יְהוָה ELohim אֱלֹהִים in the Flesh.

ISAIAH ( YeshaYahu יְשַׁעְיָהוּ ) wrote more than any of the other Hebrew Prophets ( except Mosheh ) about the Messiah.


The genealogy of Messiah in Matthew is from Miryam back to David through Nathan.

The genealogy in Luke ( in the Greek ) shows Hilo to be the father of Miryam.

In lots of my teachings, I show that Yeshua is YHWH ELohim in the Flesh. In a PowerPoint teaching I hope to post this week, it will show this AGAIN, in a powerful way, from the Hebrew


To come to the above answer, Brother Vijay, you have honestly and openly admitted here above that, if we re-arrange the Letters, we can form: whatever

you want to form. That is exactly what you all are doing. First you have the PRE CONCEIVED IDEA that Yahweh is Yahshua. This is your FIRM BELIEF. Then when you approach the Word of Elohim, YOU CAN RE ARRANGE THE LETTERS IN HEBREW AND YOU CAN FORM whatever doctrine or meaning or teaching you want to form.

This same way Hebraic ONE MAN TRANSLATIONS ARE DOING. They are forcefully adding name of YAHWEH wherever they want too. Even if there are NO manuscripts to support them, NO historical support, NO dead sea scrolls support, nothing at all.

BUT MANY NEW SELF TAUGHT HEBREW SCHOLARS in many Hebrew Messianic Sabbath Keeping Assemblies decide for themselves where and when to put YAHWEH in the New Testament or Greek Scriptures and Halleluyah, Yahweh becomes Yahshua in their CORRUPTED TRANSLATIONS.