The Oneness of the Father & the Son Versus Trinitarianism

 The Oneness of the Father & the Son Versus Trinitarianism

By Maria Merola אריאל 

© Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, written in September 2007


One of the most controversial subjects within the household of faith, has to do with the “deity” of our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa (who many call Jesus). The predominant view within Christianity stems from the Roman Catholic “Trinity,” which was borrowed from Ancient Mystery Babylon religion.


Dear Maria Merola, after Trinitarian belief (3 in 1 Gods), now you are propagating and promoting another false and pagan belief of Binatarian belief (2 in 1 Gods). Nothing new. Same old wine just packaged differently by Maria Merola to her FOLLOWERS who do not follow YAHWEH or YAHSHUA or his SACRED WORD, but they follow anything and everything that Maria Merola says and teaches.


What is Binatarian belief?


Yahshua never claimed to be the Almighty El (God) in the Bible, nor did he claim to be equal to Elohim (God). Rather, he showed that he has an Elohim (God) above him, an Elohim (God) whom he worships. For example, Yahshua said to Mary Magdalene: "I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God." (John 20:17; italics mine) What is more, when Yahshua prayed to his heavenly Father, that is, the El Shaddai Elohim Yahweh, look at what he said: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true Elohim, and Yahshua Messiah, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3, italics mine)


First of all, notice the clear distinction made between the Father Yahweh and the Son Yahshua. Secondly, notice that Yahshua called his heavenly Father "the only true Elohim (God)," and not himself. Clearly, then, Yahshua did not view himself as the Creator or Father or the Almighty Elohim (God).


Additionally, Yahshua did not teach that he was equal to his Father. Instead, he taught: "The Father is greater than I am." (John 14:28)


Who, then, is Yahshua? The Bible says he was created by El Shaddai Elohim (God) Yahweh. In fact, the very first thing that the Almighty made was Yahshua, which is why Yahshua is called "the firstborn of all creation," and "the beginning of the creation by God." (Colossians 1:15; Revelation 3:14) Yes, the Almighty created his only-begotten Son and then, using his Son as "a master worker," made the universe. (Proverbs. 8:22, 23, 30; John 1:3)




In conclusion, the Almighty God from the Bible, his name is Yahweh. The Bible says: “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is YAHWEH, art the most high over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18; RSB Bible 04th Edition)


As for Yahshua, he is a created spirit being, and he is called “Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of Yahweh; thou art the King of Israel.” (John 1:49) Elohim Yahweh (God) and Messiah Yahshua (Jesus) are two, distinct individuals, with Yahweh being superior, being the Creator and Father of Son Yahshua (Jesus).



A secondary view that is mostly held by Jehovah’s Witnesses, is the idea that only the Father is deity, while the Messiah, (the Son), is merely a finite human being who achieved immortality, following his resurrection.



But, what if I told you there is a third option? What if the correct belief about the identity of our Messiah is neither, “The third person of the Trinity,” neither is he merely a created being like the rest of us?


To understand who it is that you follow for salvation, is one of the most crucial issues, for it will determine where you will spend eternity. I urge you to carefully read this entire article, and study the Scriptures that I cite, because this subject could cost you your eternal soul!




When searching the entire council of scripture, it becomes apparent that our Heavenly Father, YaHuWaH is not a separate person from our Messiah, Yahuwshuwa. 


False. Totally False teaching contrary to scriptures cited above, a few paragraphs above.


The Scriptures declare that Elohiym is a disembodied Spirit, but he can only be “seen” in the human person, or the bodily image of the Son, Yahuwshuwa. The Apostle Yahuwchanon (John) only saw “one” person on the throne in his vision:




General definition:

The belief, particularly among some Christians, that God is two personae (persons), two individuals, or two aspects in one Godhead (or God), these being God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ).


This teaching that the Almighty Creator is a DISEMBODIED SPIRIT is a direct teaching taken out from THE BOOK OF MORMONS. This is a Christian teaching from THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS.


Here below is the Heretic Source about disembodied spirits, this is not a teaching of the Torah or Tanakh or Brit Hadassah. In brief it’s not a Biblical teaching.


Chapter 36

In the Realm of Disembodied Spirits

Jesus the Christ died in the literal sense in which all men die. He underwent a physical dissolution by which His immortal spirit was separated from His body of flesh and bones, and that body was actually dead. While the corpse lay in Joseph’s rock-hewn tomb, the living Christ existed as a disembodied Spirit. We are justified in inquiring where He was and what were His activities during the interval between His death on the cross and His emergence from the sepulchre with spirit and body reunited, a resurrected Soul. The assumption that most naturally suggests itself is that He went where the spirits of the dead ordinarily go; and that, in the sense in which while in the flesh He had been a Man among men, He was, in the disembodied state a Spirit among spirits. This conception is confirmed as a fact by scriptural attestation. (For the full teaching of the Mormon’s, here is the link:






What is Binatarianism belief?

Binatarianism is the belief that the one true God exists as two Persons (the Father and the Son). Binatarianism is distinguished from Trinitarianism (God exists as three Persons) and Unitarianism (God exists as only one Person). It is also distinguished from bitheism (the belief in two gods).


Christian Churches Belief:

At present, it [Binatarianism] is a theology essentially held only by some 7th Day Church of God groups. The three largest church denominations that appear to hold a Binatarian view today are the Church of God (Seventh Day), United Church of God, and the Living Church of God. Other groups, scattered spinoffs from the breakup of the previously sabbatarian Worldwide Church of God, founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, also hold to a Binatarian view of God. The sabbatarian Churches of God persist in their worship of Jesus and the Father; insisting that in their worship of the “plural” God, “Elohim,” as multiple separate and individual God-beings of which only the Father and Son are now very God, they are practicing monotheism, in the sense that “God” is a single family unit. Adherents of these churches believe they will eventually be born into that family as sons and daughters of God at a resurrection of the dead.

Chazown (Revelation) 4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and ONE sat on the throne.


We are never going to see the Father in a separate body from the Son in eternity. We are always going to see the Father embodied and expressed in the image of the Son. 


Because “No man has seen Elohiym at any time” (John 1:18), and this includes the Apostle Yahuwchanon (John) who saw that ONE sitting on the throne. 


That “ONE,” is none other than the visible image” of the invisible Elohiym whose name is, Yahuwshuwa ha’Mashiyach. In his bodily representation, we see the fullness of Elohiym:


Qolasiym (Colossians) 2:9 For in him dwells all the fullness of Elohiym bodily.




In this passage of scripture, the King James Version uses the term “godhead.” However, this word in Greek means the following:


Strong’s #G2320: theotēs: deity, the state of being God, divinitydivine nature.


Colossians 2:9 more accurately states that in our Messiah Yahuwshuwa dwells all the fullness of the divinity! 

In other words, he is the FULLNESS OF ELOHIYM!

Colossians. 2:9 - "For in him [Yahshua (Jesus)] the whole fulness [Gr. pleroma] of deity [theotes]  dwells[1]  bodily" - RSV.


“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Majesty in person bodily.” – RSB BIBLE (04th Edition)

     The word theotes appears only this once in the entire New Testament [NT] (and never in the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament [OT]). 


It has been rendered in various Trinitarian translations as follows: "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" - KJV, ASV, NEB, REB, MLB; "deity" - RSV, NASB, NRSV, NIV, NAB, CBW, Mo, By; "divinity- JB, NJB.  It should be remembered also that "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" as found in the older English Bibles (such as KJV) had a different meaning than it has come to have in modern English. 


"In older English ['Almighty Yahweh (God)head'] was a synonym for divinity"[2]   -  p. 221, Vol. 2, A Dictionary of the Bible, Hastings, 1988 printing;  and p. 362, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell and Scott, Oxford University Press, 1994 printing.
     Theotes simply does not literally mean "Almighty Yahweh (God)head," and the use of "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today.[3]     Actually, the heavenly Fatheralone, is the closest thing to a literal "Almighty Yahweh (God)head" to be found  anywhere in the inspired Scriptures - see  1 Cor. 11:3.

     Col. 2:9 is also rendered by noted Trinitarian scholars with these translations of theotes: "The full content of divine nature" - TEV and GNB (also see Barclay); "Almighty Yahweh (God)'s whole being" - Beck (NT); "Almighty Yahweh (God)'s nature" - AT; "Yet it is in [Christ] that Almighty Yahweh (God) gives a full and complete expression of himself (within the physical limits that he set himself in Christ)." - Phillips; "In him resides all the fulfillment of the divine" - Lattimore. 
     The Trinitarian argument that Col. 2:9 proves that Yahshua (Jesus) is Almighty Yahweh (God) overlooks the common understanding of "fulness of ..." and "filled with ..." by those who used those common phrases in New Testament times.  For example, the person who became "filled with Holy Spirit" (Eph. 5:18) was greatly influenced by that spirit, but he certainly did not become the Holy Spirit.

     And having "the fulness" of someone or something could similarly mean being greatly influenced by that person or thing.  The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology says:

"Just as a person can be full of pain, joy, love, and virtue, he can also be said to be filled with Almighty Yahweh (God) ..., i.e. possessed and inspired by Almighty Yahweh (God)." - Vol. 1, p. 734.[4]  

     Surely we wouldn't expect anyone who is "filled with" Almighty Yahweh (God) or who receives the "fullness of" Almighty Yahweh (God) to actually be Almighty Yahweh (God)!  Nor would we expect anyone who has the "fullness of" Christ to actually be Christ!   In fact it clearly shows that he is NOT the person with whom he is "filled"!
     So, when we read Eph. 1:22, 23 - "the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all" - we do not think that all real Christians are actually Christ.  The New Oxford Annotated Bible (1977) tells us in a footnote for this scripture:
"the Church, as the fullness of Christ, is the complement of his mystic [figurative] person;  he is the head, the Church is his body."

     The noted Trinitarian NT Greek scholar, W. E. Vine, explains:

"Fill, Fill Up": "... (a) of the members of the Church, the Body of Christ, as filled by Him", Eph. 1:23 (`all things in all the members'); ... in 3:19, of their being filled ... `with' all the fulness of Almighty Yahweh (God); of their being 'made full' in Him, Col. 2:10." - p. 426, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

     Yes, at Eph. 3:19 we actually see Paul expressing the thought "that you [Ephesian Christians] may be filled with all the fullness of Almighty Yahweh (God)" - RSV.  And at Eph. 4:13 we find - "until we all attain ... to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" - RSV
     Even the Trinitarian reference work, the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, commenting about the word "fullness" at Col. 2:9 ("In his [Yahshua (Jesus)'] body lives the fullness of divinity" - JB), tells us:

"this fullness which is described in Col. 1:15-18 is entirely related to Christ's cross (v. 20), death (v. 22), and resurrection (v. 18).  For this reason believers also have this fullness in him (2:10)." - Vol. 1, p. 740, Zondervan, 1986. - See AT, CBW, NAB (especially 1991 ed.).

  "Outside the NT the word occurs in Ignatius in a sense which is clearly influenced by the NT, and apparently in the meaning of the Divine fullness, as going forth and blessing and residing ["dwelling"] in the Church [the congregation]" - p. 1, Vol. 4, A Dictionary of the Bible, James Hastings, ed., Hendrickson Publ., 1988.

     For exactly the same reasons that we don't allow such figurative language to persuade us that all true Christians actually are (or may become) Almighty Yahweh (God) or Christ, we should not let it persuade us that Christ is actually Almighty Yahweh (God)!

     The Bible tells us how essential to eternal life it is to know Almighty Yahweh (God) and Yahshua (Jesus) (John 17:3 and 2 Thess. 1:8, 9).  Therefore, if one "knows" Yahshua (Jesus) as Almighty Yahweh (God) and "knows" Almighty Yahweh (God) as three (or two) persons and such "knowledge" turns out to be false, then he is certainly not on the road to eternal life!
     And as we saw above, if Christians can be "filled with" Almighty Yahweh (God)  and receive the "fullness of" Almighty Yahweh (God),  we know by this very wording that they are not Almighty Yahweh (God)!   And we know that those Christians who had the "fullness of" Christ  could not actually be Christ!   The very wording itself shows that someone else is "filling" (or influencing) the person who is being "filled" (influenced).  In fact it clearly shows that he CANNOT be the person (or thing) with whom he is "filled"!
     Therefore, those Christians who are "filled with"  or have the "fullness" of Almighty Yahweh (God) are not Almighty Yahweh (God)!  Those Christians who are "filled with" or have the "fullness" of Christ are not Christ!   Those men and women who are "filled with" or have the "fullness" of  the Holy Spirit are not the Holy Spirit!!   And even if we interpret Col. 2:9 as meaning that Christ has the fullness of "Almighty Yahweh (God) hood" in him, it still cannot mean Christ is Almighty Yahweh (God)!!

1.          What about things and persons "dwelling" in us?  Does this mean we are those things or persons?  Of course not!  Compare "dwell" at Romans. 7:20 (sin `dwells' in people); 8:9, 11 (holy spirit `dwells' in us); 1 Corinthians. 3:16 (holy spirit "dwelling" in Christians); Ephesians. 3:17 (Christ "dwells" in our hearts);  2 Tim. 1:5 (faith "dwelt" in her);  2 Peter. 3:13 (righteousness "dwells").  Actually, the word "dwell" shows we cannot be those things or persons who "dwell" in us!   

 It  is similar to the term "image of ...."  If someone is the image of something or someone else, then he cannot be that person or thing.  For example, men being the image of Almighty Yahweh (God) (Genesis. 1:26; 1 Corinthians. 11:7; 2 Corinthians. 3:18) proves, in itself, that none of them actually is Almighty Yahweh (God)!  No one and no thing actually are their own images!  Therefore, when scripture tells us that the resurrected, heaven-dwelling Yahshua (Jesus) Christ is "the image of Almighty Yahweh (God)," it is certain that he is not Almighty Yahweh (God)! -  2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:15.  [Also "reflection" or "refulgence" in Heb. 1:3, RSV, NRSV, NJB, AT, MLB, GNB, CBW, NAB (`70), NAB (`91).]

2.         "Divinity" is a word with various meanings and levels of meanings: "divinity ...  1. a being divine  2. a Almighty Yahweh (God)  3. theology - the Divinity: Almighty Yahweh (God)."  - Webster's New World Dictionary, 1973.



3          "Godhead" has various meanings in modern English besides that of "the nature of God esp. when regarded as triune".   In Webster's 3rd  New International Dictionary (Unabridged) the #1 definition is "1: the quality or state of being divine" - 1962 ed.  And the derivation of the word "godhead" shows that it originally meant "godhood" not "godhead":  "fr[om] god + -hed, -hede - hood (akin to ME -hod, -had - hood)" - Webster's 3rd  New Int.

4.          Even in modern English idiom we say things like: "He is full of the Devil."  But we don't intend to say he literally is the Devil or even equal to the Devil in the fullest sense.  We merely mean that he may, in some respects, show certain "devil-like" or "devil-influenced" qualities!  (Cf. Jn 6:70 and Mark 8:33 footnotes in NIVSB.)


 Does Colossians. 2:9 prove that Yahshua (Jesus) is Almighty God (Yahweh)?

Col. 2:9 - "For in him [Jesus] the whole fulness [Gr. pleroma] of deity [theotes] dwells bodily" - RSV

The word theotes appears only this once in the entire New Testament [NT] (and never in the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament [OT]). It has been rendered in various Trinitarian translations as follows: "Godhead" - KJV, ASV, NEB, REB, MLB; "deity" - RSV, NASB, NRSV, NIV, NAB, CBW, Mo, By; "divinity" - JB, NJB.

It should be remembered also that "Godhead" as found in the older English Bibles (such as KJV) HAD A DIFFERENT MEANING THAN IT HAS COME TO HAVE IN MODERN ENGLISH. "In older English ['Godhead'] was a synonym for divinity" - p. 221, Vol. 2, A Dictionary of the Bible, Hastings, 1988 printing; and p. 362, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell and Scott, Oxford University Press, 1994 printing.

Theotes simply does not literally mean "godhead," and the use of "godhead" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today.

 Actually, the heavenly Father, alone, is the closest thing to a literal "Godhead" to be found anywhere in the inspired Scriptures. (See 1 Cor. 11:3)

The Trinitarian argument that Col. 2:9 proves that Jesus is God overlooks the common understanding of "fulness of ..." and "filled with ..." by those who used those common phrases in New Testament times. For example, the person who became "filled with Holy Spirit" (Eph. 5:18) was greatly influenced by that spirit, but he certainly did not become the Holy Spirit.

And having "the fullness" of someone or something could similarly mean being greatly influenced by that person or thing. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology says:

"Just as a person can be full of pain, joy, love, and virtue, he can also be said to be filled with God ..., i.e. possessed and inspired by God." - Vol. 1, p. 734.[4] Surely we wouldn't expect anyone who is "filled with" God or who receives the "fullness of" God to actually be God! Nor would we expect anyone who has the "fullness of" Christ to actually be Christ! In fact it clearly shows that he is NOT the person with whom he is "filled".

The False Doctrine of the Trinity

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are referred to as “three persons,” in the doctrine of the Trinity, but they are not “separate persons” as in three separate bodily images. 


There is only one “body” or image that expresses the three manifestations of the “person” of our Creator, even though he has three separate roles or functions. 

Pictured here is a graphic that illustrates the Roman Catholic version of Trinity which portrays one deity with three faces or images. In Latin, it says: “The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not the Father.” 


This is heresy, because it denies the oneness of our Creator, which is central to the one true faith of Messiah and the Hebrew patriarchs. 



Even Maria Merola and her followers believe in 2 Gods in the 1 Godhead or 1 God Family. Maria teaches that Yahweh is Almighty God and that Yahshua too is Almighty God by Yahweh coming in the body of Yahshua.







None other than Yahshua confirmed and committed himself to by reminding us and repeating the SHEMA at Mark 12:29 “And Yahshua answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; Yahweh our Elohim is one Yahweh:”


Here Yahshua, if he believed that Yahweh was physically EMBODIED or living in his human form or body, then this was a wonderful opportunity for Yahshua to admit and declare the truth that Yahweh our Elohim is TWO YAHWEH or TWO IN ONE YAHWEH.