Why is Jonah called a Drama Queen humorously? (Jonah 4:9)

Why is Jonah called a Drama Queen humorously? (Jonah 4:9)

Prophet Jonah (found in the book of the same name) was a "drama queen" who makes us laugh in retrospect. After running from God, being rescued from drowning by spending three days in a fish's belly, and then complaining that God rescued Nineveh from destruction.

Jonah throws a tantrum about a vine dying because it made him so hot and uncomfortable to lose its leafy shade. In Jonah 4:9 he complains 4 times repeatedly in a short span of time to Yahweh God about the vine saying, "I am angry enough to die." Doesn't it make you want to say, "Good grief, Jonah. Lighten up! Cheer up!" God must have had a good sense of humor not only to put up/tolerate this Prophet but also he used Jonah for his glory and purposes.