Why Nicodemus came to talk to Yahshua (Jesus) at night time in the dark? (John 3:2)

Why Nicodemus came to talk to Yahshua (Jesus) at night time in the dark? (John 3:2)

Nicodemus appears three times in the Gospels;

FIRST TIME at John 3:2 during the night time at dark.

SECOND TIME at John 7:51 Nicodemus spoke up when the Pharisees were trying to find fault with Christ: “Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing?”

THIRD TIME at John 19:38 and 39 we find him assisting Joseph of Arimathea in a proper burial of Jesus. 

NOTE AT THE BEGINNING ITSELF verse 1 of John 3 begins stating some important details about Nicodemus. He was a PHARISEE. His name was NICODEMUS and that he was presently a MEMBER OF THE RULING JEWISH COUNCIL.

CHRONOLOGICALLY SPEAKING from viewpoint of time, at the first personal, one on one meeting, he acknowledges Yahshua (Jesus) representing Yahweh God. He addresses him respectfully as RABBI and says that Yahshua is surely a teacher come from God. John 3:3 The Second meeting, Nicodemus dares to Stand up & Support Yahshua (Jesus) – John 19:38, 39. Third time he is more open and supportive by providing burial assistance to Yahshua (Jesus).

Nicodemus was indeed being careful. 
He had his Status and Position at stake being a current Jewish ruling council member. He surely did not want unnecessary attention, he himself being, “Israel’s Teacher” – John 3:10.
Nicodemus was definitely monitoring the teachings and miracles of this self confessed new teacher on the geographical scene of Israel from a safe distance within a group.John 3:2.

And in the third encounter with Nicodemus, recorded in John 19:38 and 39, we find Nicodemus assisting Joseph of Arimathea in a proper burial of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea is described here as a secret disciple of Jesus because he was afraid of the Jews. PLUS Nicodemus meeting Yahshua (Jesus) the first time at Night under cover of the dark indicates that Nicodemus was fearful or ashamed of something.

Nicodemus has fearfully come to Jesus under cover of darkness. 
So it is interesting that Yahshua (Jesus)closes his conversation as a fitting climax by contrasting darkness or night with light with him by saying: “Now this is the basis for judgment: that the light [which Jesus is by his life and teachings] has come into the world, but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. For whoever practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, so that his works may not be reproved. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that his works may be made manifest as having been done in harmony with God.”John 3:19-21.