Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses (Jude 9)?

Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses (Jude 9)? 

Why were Michael and Satan disputing over the body of Moses (Jude 9)? Why did the dead body of Moses have to be protected by Michael the Archangel?
The first of the Ten Commandments states that we are to have no other gods before the true God (Exodus 20:1 - 3). Satan, always looking for ways to deceive humans, wanted to make the body of Moses and his grave an object of worship.

Israel had formally been guilty of worshiping the golden calf (see Exodus 20 and 32). The body and tomb of Moses, the revered leader of the nation, would have almost certainly would have been a "must see" place to visit by the people of Israel.
Ancient Israel did not get its chance to honor, and possibly venerate, one of its greatest leaders. This veneration could have possible ended up in Moses dead body or Burial Memorial getting worshiped by many. That said, the practice of revering an important person's dead body does indeed occur today! Those in Russia have access to viewing the embalmed corpses of either Stalin or Lenin. Many countries like the United States have a tomb for the 'unknown soldier'.
Some people worship these types of memorials as icons. Yahweh God wants our worship to be only of Him, instead of some shrine to remind us of the past. Satan will use anything he can, even the body of Moses, to try and direct the focus of human minds away from Yahweh God and onto something that is physical and temporary.